
Kingdom Revival

Posted on FaceBook Mar 27, 2020


Well, here we are, our first morning under Stay-at-Home orders. I’m sitting out on our back porch, enjoying a cup of coffee, while Pat is inside getting her Zumba on. The sky is getting lighter as the sun dawns on a new day. Life continues. It may not be the same as yesterday, with movement restricted, but continue it still does. We can’t stop it.

Many years ago, as an assistant manager at Walmart, I put a countdown sign up in the lounge the day after inventory, showing 365 days till the next inventory. It was to serve several purposes. For one, it was a reminder that though we had just had inventory there would be another one coming and there was nothing we could do to prevent it. Second, since we knew it was coming and there was nothing we could do to stop it, we might as well begin preparing for it now, and EVERY day going forward. That would make life much easier as the day drew near.

Just as life moves forward through this crisis, it will come to an end. In the meantime, we must continue to prepare for the return to normalcy. Find ways to continue the things you used to do. Just because you can’t go to your fancy gym to work out, you can still exercise. Use household objects to provide resistance (anything from canned vegetables to propane tanks). Be creative. Pat continues Zumba on-line. We continue Date Night by carry out or cooking things we’ve not had in a while. Connect with friends by phone (Skype or face time if you miss seeing their ugly mugs). Now is the time to put our brain power to use and get creative. Remember the times when we were kids and could do so much with just a card board box. Get in touch with your inner kid. Reach out to those you know that may be struggling with isolation. Pray with them. Watch positive podcasts of your favorite pastors. Worship. Again be creative. We must put in the effort.

Above all, We must keep our focus on God and trust He will carry us through this crisis. We are not in control. God is! He loves us more than we could ever know or comprehend. Always has and always will. Thank you Jesus for that love. All He wants is our love, given freely, and our surrender to His will in obedience. With that comes eternal life, as promised in Scriptures (John 3:16). He does the rest.2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” As I mentioned in my last post, pastors and others are raising one voice in praying for Gods intervention to heal this land. I can sense a revival swelling up throughout this country, despite all the bickering, hoarding, panic, finger pointing, etc. Spirit move, so that ALL the world will know your goodness and see your glory!