Kingdom Prayer for the Nation #2

Posted on Facebook Feb 8, 2021 KINGDOM PRAYER FOR THE NATION 2 It has been a month since my last Kingdom Post. But God has not been silent. He has been working on me, preparing me for this push. The push started last night during the Super Bowl, as a particular commercial aired. The seed was planted last month, and got a fresh dose of water earlier yesterday morning, as we were getting ready for church. Pat was listening to Pastor Robert Morris, Gateway Church. As I walked into the bedroom, he was talking about true worshiping in church, singing out, not just being there. And it was directed at men. That was not the message he was delivering, but merely a sidebar to the main message. In the same way, what I heard had no direct connection to the watering but was a channeling of the water to the connection between last month’s post and Pastor Morris to Unite 714, which I have talked about before (2 Chronicles 7:14), with respect to people turning to God in prayer. And the watering continued later that day as Pat and I discussed the need to start travelling to places neither one of us have been to. That watering led to the revelation buried in the commercial last night. This is what happens when your focus is on Jesus Christ. You come across several seemingly unconnected events that set you up for the main event, which when revealed, is totally expected and clear. The commercial was sponsored by Jeep. The only way you realized that was the narrator was driving a Jeep (apparent if you know your vehicles well) and the commercial ended with the Jeep tag. I did not see that tag last night as I went to the bathroom before the very end, which is why I almost missed the commercial all together. I was about to get up when the commercial started, but something kept me in the chair. The bulk of the commercial was about a small town in Kansas. Lebanon, KS is 252 people strong. It is located about 2 miles southeast of the geographic center of the continental United States. Near that center is a marker, flagpole and small church. The actual center is about ½ away on private farmland. The church is open 24/7. Pat, not a sports fan, had gone to bed sometime before the commercial aired. I headed to bed just before the 2 minute warning, the outcome long since determined and told Pat I knew where one of our trips was going to be: Lebanon, KS, the geographic center of the continental US. It would be a quick weekend trip, as far as an almost 1000 mile trip one-way could be. By this morning, more details were revealed. God speaks and we obey. Sometime in the next two months, Pat and I will travel to that chapel in Lebanon, KS, to pray for our nation. In support of Unite714, we will time the trip to allow us to pray at 7:14 a.m. and/or 7:14 p.m. We will start with praying 2 Chronicles 7:14, then go where we are led. We are standing firm in our faith. I have talked about revival for over a year now. This is but one small effort to ignite that revival so desperately needed in our nation and around the world. We must be bold and speak the truth in love. God speaks to each and every one of us. We can only hear if we are paying attention with an open mind and heart. Are you ready to walk out your faith, to be the light for Christ in this dark times? This is our challenge to you. Listen to what God is telling you in love. Join us in this revival. Join us on this journey to Lebanon, by making a journey physically yourselves or spiritually in prayer regularly. Join with us in prayer on the day we pray in that little chapel in Lebanon, KS. Share this post so that the flames of revival will be kindled. We can do nothing alone, but as Paul says in Philippians 4:13, each of us “can do all things through Christ who strengthens” us. We will keep you posted. Be Blessed!